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Player/Team Name

Brent Lingel & Jeremy Defalco

Brent Lingel

Jeremy Defalco


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2024 Birdies for Good

Dorado Country Club
September 6, 2024

Brent Lingel

Events Participated 2
Total Raised$9,415.4

Jeremy Defalco

Events Participated 0

Donor Leaderboard

DonorPer BirdieFlat
1Morgan Brown$8.00
2Bob & Sharon Turner$5.00
3Jerry and Debbie DeFalco$5.00
4Dick Eagen$5.00
5Katie Lingel$5.00
6Kevin Brean$5.00
7D Trump$4.70
8Jon Beaty$2.50
9Darren Clausen$2.00
10Terry Evans$2.00
11Brian Prouty$2.00
12Jim Cryts$2.00
13Blanske Ventures$400.00
14Hal Leach$200.00
15Sue Teaney$200.00
16Robyn Pittman$150.00
17curtis christy$150.00
18Robert Serino$100.00
19Kenneth Cousino$100.00
20Eric Boldt$100.00
21Linda and Mike Hitt$94.00
22Miranda Soeder$50.00
23Richard Wolf$50.00
24Bob & Linda Tremelling$50.00
25Joseph Jensen$50.00
26Jeff Brown$50.00
27Bill & Ro Pirillo$50.00
28Rick LaRose$50.00
29Ed Turpin$50.00
30Mary Clements$40.00